Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New BTB site!

After a long hiatus, I decided to restart Betty The Bruiser. With the help of my handsome, website magician of a husband, my sweet BTB site was rebirthed (i.e. released back into the wild, wonderful cyber sea) early this morning. 

I'm usually very shy about my hobbies and the things I do to creatively to express my humming, whirring brain. But my theme for 2013 is NO EXCUSES! And this means I must chase down the things that scare me and not allow my fear of judgment or failure to keep me from doing the things I love.

I love sharing with people. Apparently, I also love to harshly critique myself, and that has become a burdensome habit to maintain. So, the critic inside me must learn to shut up so I can do what I love (share experiences/creativity with people) and hopefully find a community of others that want to share with me as well.

You will probably notice very quickly that I am no professional. I'm just a girl that likes to draw and read and plink around on a keyboard from time to time...and I really like wearing sweatpants. And robes. Yes, robes are good.

Thank you so much friends, family, and internet buddies for all of your support and love in ALL of my attempts and endeavors. Your words of encouragement, your presence at my band's shows, your purchase of merch at our shows, and (perhaps soon) your purchase of my art supports what I do!

Take a good look around the site! Bookmark me, subscribe to me with your Blogger account, share my website with your friends, tell me how cute my dog is and how much Pearl Jam sucks, email me your fave Netflix movies at the moment, or break it to me nicely that I'm not really goth. I'll be talking to you again soon.

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